Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Names for 1953-54 class?

These are the best guesses made by various people.
1. Alvin Peters
2. Arthur Cooney
3. Ross Covert
4. Jim Ayotte
5. Ron Hogan                        
6. Marion Watson                          
 7. Helen Lewis
8. Elsie Allen
9. Cheryl Condon
10. Tommy Condon
11. Dave Ayotte
12. Floyd Peet
13. Allan Watson
14. Loretta Ayotte
15. June Foster
16. Arlene Condon
17. Allan Andrews
18. Bonnie Hughey
19. Harold Pacey
20. Doreen Ayotte
21. Ron Walker
22. Tris Ogilive
23. Edna Ayotte
24. Mrs. Ogilive
25. Arnold Cooney
26. John Condon (hidden)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Class 1953-54

How about identifying these kids?  There are numbers on each child.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

E-mail for museum

If you need to contact the museum, for information, coffee mugs, horseshoe times, here is your email:

See anyone you know.  Let us know.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ghost of Kidd

Ghost of Walter Kidd comes to schoolhouse he built.

Before 1938

Can you ID any of the numbers?

Friday, February 13, 2015

Moving the school

 School moved 2004 from Kidd's Corner, renovation started 2005.  Trillium grant of $15,000.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Doors Open in fall

Every four years Highlands East gets to host "Doors Open" which is a provincial initiative.  On Sept. 12 and 13 our society has been asked to occupy the Kidd School house and offer historical information.  This year the Ontario Heritage Trust is focusing on sport heritage, although this is not the only activity.  Jane has been the organizer in the past.

     The Society can talk about this when we all get together in the spring time.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Sample geneology

Our first hardcover book is starting to take form.  It will represent the Drury side of the family.  Putting together the relationships in a compact form is a challenge.    The following is a sample page.  We will try to take it down to existing members of the family which our three ring binders usually do not cover.  This will be perhaps a difficult job.

     If we didn't have to include names in photos it would be quickly done.  The final copy should be around 60 pages.  Viewing the work done by all the volunteers in collecting family information is really remarkable.  Similar work is probably hard to find in other small communities.
Let me know if you have any comments.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

These are the new renovations completed by the municipality.  Not too bad, eh?

Monday, February 2, 2015

This is the first posting

Hi Heritage Society.
     This will be the location of with a title of Schoolhouse Museum in Highland Grove.  I am including a picture below to make sure the system is working.
      As an update, Joanne and I are working on producing a hard cover book for Bonnie (Hughey) West of the Drury family.  We will use a Mac program in addition to Photoshop.  We're setting a deadline of April, so the snowbirds might be able to see it when they arrive.
     Our museum is running two session on washing raw fleece, Feb. 7 and 14, with the goal of producing fleece for wet felting in mid-March.  We have held 3 workshops sessions on felting and we had great results.  There is no cost for any of the activities.
     We are still producing coffee mugs when people come in with memory sticks and photographs.  Still no response from the Legion, but we'll keep after them.
     Not a lot of response for the 200 questions.  Perhaps we'll publish it on this site later this week.  There are about 70 questions with answers.
     A small article about the museum has been sent to Bancroft This Week, but no response from them yet.